If you intend to keep your car for a long time, don’t ignore the underside. Treat it and protect it from rust. My treatment includes all of the underside including suspension, subframe, wheel arches and anywhere else water collects and rusts your pride and joy.
The Method
When you bring your car to me, I will firstly put it on a lift so it can be inspected by both of us. All plastic coverings are removed as are the wheels, it is then cleaned removing any flaky rust and dirt. The treatment is then applied, sprayed into all cavity’s and box sections.
After the treatment it will remain on the lift for your inspection. You can leave your car with me for a couple of days or you can wait while I do it, this normally takes about 6 hours to complete.
Their are three main products I use. Waxoyl, Dimitrol and Bilt Hamber. I mainly use Black Waxoyl, this is a product that is good at killing off old rust but also preventing new rust and looks goods as well.
Whatever you use however is up to you!